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Image by Robert Bye


The pathway to your desired sales growth

Start: Välkommen


Your sales target is our passion


Solution selling


High qualified leads.

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About us

OptimiseResults was founded in July 2020 with a single mission: to be the most successful, creative and ground-breaking and Win-Win thinking solution provider. At OptimiseResults, we strive to assist you in enhancing your sales results and building up a Thinking into results mindset. The focus is on the gap between your current and desired state. By transforming your sales targets and thinking into results mindset we strongly believe in you.

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Image by Hassan OUAJBIR
Start: Tjänster
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Why OptimiseResults?


Tell us about yourself?

I am a highly motivated, diplomatic and hardworking individual with a strong business acumen and explicit strategic mindset. I have worked the past seven years with supply chain management (SCM), sales & operation planning, complex sales. For this reason, it has inspired me to create structure and offer new dimensions to discussions. Key personal characteristics I have mastered are creative, analytical abilities and instinctive perspectives for long-term solutions. 

Why did you start OptimiseResults?

As a young boy I experienced how my parents ran their retail-business in Somalia, where I was born. Moreover, I had the opportunity to live in the Somali Savanna as herdsman with my uncles. These events and experiences shaped my mindset and inspired me to make differences that matter by helping people and businesses grow.


As my family moved to Sweden, within nine years I finished my studies in Sweden, instead of nineteen years. After my higher education I conducted an intense self-improvement journey.

 For the past eight years I have worked within different stages of the Supply Chain Management in companies such as ABB, Scania and Volvo. It is during this time that I realized that very many salespeople today forget a crucial factor to get a better customer relationship and increased sales. The idea of OptimiseResults became a fact as I identified the market need for value creation mindset and how to sell solutions. By focusing on enhancing our customers' sales targets and building up a value creation mindset OptimiseResults aims  to have a positive and profitable impact.


OptimiseResults is serving solution providers within manufacturing industry, transportation and logistics. 


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